The 2019-2020 school year ended with many challenges but we took advantage of the shut down and renovated the weight room. The foundation provided almost $80,000 to redo the weight room. A new floor was put down, walls painted and brand new custom equipment for the students of Robinson to enjoy when they returned for the 2020-2021 school year.
In 2018-19, the RHSF began to fund a classroom technology upgrade project.
Donations to the RHS Foundation supported approximately $10,000 in grants to teachers and staff to support instructional/classroom programs and special teacher training opportunities, continued license of Naviance Student software for all RHS students, and The Cube, RHS's Award Winning College and Career Resource Center.
Additionally, RHSF aims to provide funding for school capital improvements and equipment that will have a positive impact for our students' eductional achievement and overall welfare.
Our RHS Foundation Partnerships helped us to install a large shade structure outside the cafeteria , and 4 filtered chilled water bottle/drinking fountain stations on campus.
As part of the RHS Foundation's ongoing commitment to the students and faculty of RHS, we made Campus Beautification and Sustainability the focus of our 2023-2024 Capital Project. The Foundation was able to provide 40 new, high quality receptacle bins to the school that were distributed throughout the campus.